Home News Indonesian prelate shares how he consulted AI for homily 

Indonesian prelate shares how he consulted AI for homily 

The Archbishop of Medan shared his Prompt Engineering experience when consulting artificial intelligence (AI) for his homily at the closing Eucharistic celebration of the XI National Social Communication Week in Indonesia.

Early this month, Archbishop Kornelius Sipayung OFMCap, who heads the Social Communication Commission of the Indonesian Bishops’ Conference (Komsos KWI), delivered a homily that tackled Pope Francis’ message for the 58th World Social Communication Day. 

The prelate said he was “confused in composing a sermon to relate the Gospel readings to the Holy Father’s message,” adding, “So I used the help of Artificial Intelligence by consulting ChatGPT4.0.” 

“I asked, ‘Bro, what is the role of Satan so that artificial intelligence usually destroys humans?’ GPT Chat 4.0 within 10 seconds presented me with the answer to my question,” he said.

Archbishop Sipayung said ChatGPT’s response described Satan as a tempter exploiting human weaknesses such as greed, arrogance, and avarice. 

“In the context of AI, Satan can influence humans to use this technology for personal gain without considering the impact on others. For example, the use of AI for market manipulation, the spread of disinformation, or the invasion of privacy can stem from a drive for power or financial gain.
Satan could influence the way AI is used to reinforce injustice and inequality in society. For example, biased AI algorithms can discriminate against certain groups, exacerbate social inequalities, or create a digital divide between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This can create greater injustice and undermine social cohesion.
AI has the ability to mass produce and distribute content. Satan, as the “father of lies” (John 8:44), can influence the use of AI to spread lies, disinformation, and propaganda that distorts the truth and muddies social and political waters. This can undermine public trust and fuel conflict, encourage over-reliance on technology, diminish the value of human life, and encourage a loss of control and oversight. Satan can exploit the lack of oversight and control over AI, allowing the technology to be used without ethical or moral boundaries.”

Archbishop Sipayung reminded the faithful that people have varied reactions to Jesus’ authority in performing miraculous signs and exorcisms. While many recognized his divine power, the scribes and Pharisees attributed his acts to Satan, accusing him of casting out demons by the power of Be’elzebub.

“I chat again, ‘Brother, why can’t the scribes and Pharisees see the truth in the words and actions of Jesus’?” said the prelate. 

ChatGPT answered: “The scribes and Pharisees were unable to see the truth in Jesus’ words and deeds due to a combination of spiritual blindness, fear of losing power, a rigid legalistic approach, false expectations about the Messiah, the strong influence of tradition, hypocrisy, and defensive reactions to criticism. Jesus taught that a true understanding of the law and prophecy must be rooted in love, mercy, and justice, but many of these religious leaders failed to recognize this message because of their hard hearts and attachment to personal interests and rigid traditions.” 

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Archbishop Sipayung lambasted the religious leaders’ manipulation of truth to maintain their influence, planting lies in the minds of the people to obstruct Jesus’ teachings. 

“They intentionally closed the eyes of their senses and the eyes of their hearts to the truth. They lied, manipulated the truth, and misled people with their statements,” he said. 

The prelate said Pope Francis is very aware of how important Artificial Intelligence is in human life today. 

“Artificial intelligence helps people to work more efficiently, precisely, correctly, and more productively considering that humans have limitations. Aware of their limitations, humans create machines to help them,” he said. 

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