Home News Vatican expresses hope for Pope’s visit to China amid ongoing dialogue

Vatican expresses hope for Pope’s visit to China amid ongoing dialogue

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican Secretary of State, has revealed that Pope Francis is keen on visiting China, signaling ongoing efforts to strengthen relations despite the absence of favorable conditions for such a visit at present. 

The prelate emphasized the Pope’s admiration for China’s rich cultural heritage and its people, according to a Vatican News report

Parolin made the statement during the book presentation on Cardinal Celso Costantini and China at Rome’s Pontifical Urban University.

The book, edited by Msgr. Bruno Fabio Pighin, details the legacy of Cardinal Costantini, the first Apostolic Delegate to China, who played a pivotal role in fostering dialogue between the Vatican and China. 

This dialogue culminated in the landmark 2018 Agreement on the Appointment of Bishops, which is set for renewal later this year. 

The agreement has been a cornerstone in normalizing relations between the Vatican and China, ensuring that Chinese bishops are in communion with the Holy See.

Cardinal Parolin noted that the ongoing dialogue and forthcoming renewal of the bishops’ appointment agreement reflect the Vatican’s commitment to understanding and engaging with China. 

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He underscored the significant progress made thus far and expressed optimism about the future of these interactions.

During his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis himself sent a greeting to the “dear Chinese people,” a gesture indicative of the Vatican’s friendly stance towards China. 

Cardinal Parolin echoed this sentiment in his speech, affirming the Pope’s desire to visit China if circumstances permit, and adding, “We love and admire China, its people, its culture, its traditions, the effort it is currently making… Truly China is close to our hearts, close to the hearts of Pope Francis and his collaborators.”

Despite the enthusiasm for a potential Papal visit, Cardinal Parolin cautioned that the conditions have not yet aligned for such a historic journey. Nonetheless, the Vatican continues to hold China in high regard, valuing its traditions and efforts.

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